<< That's why I'd like to know more about the
survivability of killie eggs in dry areas over timescales of several
weeks to months. >>
Even those killifish that require long resting (diapause) stages for the eggs
to develop require significant (?) moisture during that stage. There has long
been a controversy in the killifish world about how dry peat moss should be
to store eggs of annual killifish. The bottom line is, if the peat is too dry
(lighter in color) the eggs will not survive. If it is too wet, they will
survive, but not develop until dried further. Having said that, however, damp
plants will keep the eggs moist enough to survive for many days if not
exposed to drying sun or wind. These facts are also relatively correct for
non-annual fishes as well. A favorite way to mail killifish eggs is by
packing them in damp peat moss or foam or filter floss. They will generally
survive a week or more that way better than if shipped in water. The motion
of the water caused them to either hatch prematurely and die or rupture and
die. Goldfish are notorious for migrating via eggs on plants.
Lee Harper
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