She wants our help verifying and/or correcting her fish distribution maps.
If you can help by being a reviewer or contributor please contact me. This
is something that those of you who collect fish can be a big help with. I
will head this up. The basic maps are on the website, but as you can see
below, she keeps more detailed records and is prepared to provide us with
these records to work with.
Please help. Thanks.
Jay DeLong
Olympia, WA
> -----Original Message-----
> Jay,
> Recently I've been putting a great deal of effort into gathering
> photos and re-drawing maps with drainages and in color. There are
> 3 ways you could help:
> The second would be to help me get the maps reviewed to make sure
> they are correct. I'm sure many of the people in NANFA could
> confirm distributions for things in their areas. I also have
> numerous contacts around the country that could review some. I
> could post names and boundaries of drainages I used to make the
> maps so reviewers would know what they were.
> Interested?
> So what are you doing now (or soon) since you have left your job?
> If you could send me the Novumbra info I will add it into the account
> (and perhaps the next edition of the book as erroneous).
> Pam
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