NANFA-- Darters
Mon, 27 Dec 1999 21:43:04 EST
I've just signed up and have no idea what Im doing on a computer. So in
advance Im sorry for any errors I may make while learning how to use this
I was at the NANFA convention this summer. I had never meet any of the
people there before, but was made to feel as if I'd been a member of the
group for ever. I returned home with some Dusky and Slenderhead Darters. I
have already breed and raised Rainbow, Greenside, and Fantail Darters, but
I've never kept any of the Percina's before. I'm running them thru a cold and
light cycle that I've use for my other Darters. I would be very interested to
here form anyone that any info that might help me breed these two Darters. I
belive their substraight spawners?
Bob Muller
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