NANFA-- collecting today
Tue, 14 Dec 1999 15:49:39 EST
It was a fine day here in Key West,Florida. The temp was 79 deg, the tide was
low. A lot of sargassum weed and man of war floating on the surface. The
water was 70 deg. I decided to take a wade and see what I could dip up. There
were a few man of war fish-Nomeus gronovii swimming under the tentacles of
the man of war. I use a blue pool net and as I extended it towards them the
fish swam out to meet the net, I wondered if it was the blue color, anyway
they were easy to dip up.
There were schools of anchovy-Anchoviella perfasciata and scaled
sardine-Harengula jaguana. On the surface were many juvenile bandtail puffers
and permits.
All in all a good day to be on the water.
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