Re: NANFA-- Freshwater inverts
R.W.Wolff (
Fri, 17 Dec 1999 13:50:48 -0600
I'm not sure what caused this, but some sponges in my pond did the gammule
thing in early September. the only difference i noticed was shorter
daylength. It could be the species. this species if from the marshes in
my area that are soft and acidic, and considered low in nutrients. they
are almost always green from the symbiotic relationship with algae. In the
shade they are yellow. in a medium water stream ( warm water) their is a
sponge that grows "towers" kind of like those magic rocks they used to sell
to kids. these grow in the current, which seems odd, as i would assume the
current could be hard on the towers. In cold water streams I find sponges
simliar to the marsh variety, but they are more like louverd surface than
smooth. I guess these could all be the same species, just growing
differnetly in different habitats,
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