Re: NANFA-- Confusion Strikes
Thu, 3 Feb 2000 12:05:38 EST

Travis, since I don't know you and you don't know me and I am the one who
asked for the catfish fry (no corn meal please) let me assure you that some
of us know exactly what we are getting into. Big catfish make excellent pets
if you have the space and resources to keep them. They are smart, personable,
and even like to be petted. the main thrust of the humane society for fish
is/was aimed at amateurs that fall into the trap of buying a fish they are
not prepared for or even know will become a giant. It happens every day,
sadly most fish destined to become really large languish and die never
reaching their potential due to inadequate food, space and environmental
conditions. I have seen petshops become almost overwhelmed by large fish when
they adopt the policy of taking in large unwanted fish. Anyone who rises to
this cause should be prepared to euthanize large fish regularly or risk being
similarly overwhelmed. I really don't know where our group should go with
this, but I do know that large native fish can be kept in out door ponds if
the need arises although I am looking for a large pet and have decided not to
buy a large tropical catfish when our own waters hold such a large
interesting fish like the flathead catfish.


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