Re: NANFA-- Confusion Strikes

R.W.Wolff (
Thu, 3 Feb 2000 11:44:01 -0600

The reason for building my gar pond ( can be veiwed at the Gar Angles
sportsmen Society web site) was to house my growing gar. If you have a
yard, this is the neatest thing you can do. a large pond is easy to build
( basic over veiw of what we did is at that site also) and the number of
small fish that can use the pond and provide feed is a bonus. I had
several species of shiner and sunfish spawn in there, it was nearest a
nautral pond you can get , without actually having one. the plus is it is
totally under your control. Any "unwanted" fish can be placed in this
pond, and it is survival of the fitest, meaning many boecome snacks for the
I am lucky that I like a select group of fish that generally all occur in
similar habitats. This way i can limit myself to these groups, and they
can be mixed in my large aquariums or in my outdoor ponds.
A farily good substitue for the flathead cat is the stone cat, the
largest madtom. It reaches a foot in length , and looks really similar to
a flathead. They are caught in the same envrinoments as small flatheads
too. There are alot of fish that can be substiuted for larger "game "
species that are of interest. mudminnows and grass pickeral do a good job
of replacing pike and musky, warmouth and green sunfish act much like bass,
percina darters are very much like walleye and sauger, and on and on.

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