Re: NANFA-- Confusion Strikes
Thu, 3 Feb 2000 13:33:52 EST

In a message dated 2/3/00 10:03:02 AM Pacific Standard Time, writes:

> At 12:15 PM -0500 2/3/00, wrote:>I also agree that planing
> is a mayor part, we can't buy a fish because "it's
> >cute", it's important to look at the BIG PICTURE, :-) I myself can't kill
> >any fish that I've kept unless is an accident.
> That's why we need some cold-hearted volunteers to dispatch them! :)
Well maybe not cold-hearted, just different views. I see life as just that a
life. I can kill an animal to eat it, but when it comes to end a life I find
it difficult. A living creature is a feeling being, with a purpose and I
would try at all costs to keep it as such. Can you imagine if a more powerful
and intelligent being starts to kill people that are too old, too fat, too
big and so on:-)

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