Re: NANFA-- Diving Spiders
R.W.Wolff (
Fri, 11 Feb 2000 10:51:28 -0600
The one who uses a diving bell of air is from the U.K I believe. The ones
in the U.S. like you stated, use air trapped on body hairs. These are some
of the largest spiders in the eastern U.S. They have land relatives ( I
found out they were related on the web, no pun intended , search "spiders")
that are even bigger around here. I had a good sized water spider in my
killi pond last summer, it would have easily over spanned a silver dollar
with its legs. I had to destroy it. The land based realatives get even
larger and are seen in late fall. They are more gray or tan, rather than
black or chocalate brown. Both have a similar marking pattern, but where
the water spiders have white markings, there land lubber cousins have a
dark marking on a light background. you can here these guys( more likely
gals) running through the dry leaves. Maybe the cause of arachnaphobia?
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