RE: NANFA-- environment and the presidency

Downs, Chris (
Tue, 22 Feb 2000 10:35:14 -0600

>There is a lot of good stuff going on in Missouri. But there are a lot of
now endangered in Missouri because of habitat destruction and introduced
game fishes.

Missouri certainly has its share of habitat destruction. But I'm not aware
of any species in Missouri that have become endangered as a result of
introduced game species. Perhaps you could provide an example.

>What a game of craps fish and habitat protection is. Who is
going to be governor and what effects will that have?

That's one advantage to Missouri's setup. We have a system that is as far
removed from politics as seems possible. Pressure from the legislature
isn't possible. They don't have any say in funding. The governor's
influence is restricted to nominating the conservation department's

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