RE: NANFA-- environment and the presidency

D. Martin Moore (
Tue, 22 Feb 2000 23:09:18 -0600

Quoth Shireen Gonzaga regarding RE: NANFA-- environment and the pre:

> Bison. Aren't they shooting them because there are too
> many? Wolves. Yeah, that's working out really well in
> Yellowstone. Welcome home, critters.
> Shireen Gonzaga
> Baltimore, MD

Not sure I understand your point, SG. First you complain that
caprtive breeding and reintroduction is an exercise in pointlessness,
and now you say it is _too_ successful :-P


"Cry to it, nuncle. as the cockney did to the eels when she put
'em i' the paste alive; she knapped 'em o' the coxcombs with a
stick, and cried 'Down wantons, down!'"

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