> disappeared around 1900 when, believe it or not,
> > water demands on the states rivers was even higher
> > than today. It is my hope upon graduation
> > to get state support (which I am confident will
> > come) to start reintroduction plans for some of
> > these lost species.
That's great. In the 80's the Everglades population of Alligators had
plummeted so low that action was taken to breed them in captivity and then
release them. Today they are flourishing, at a great speed. Sometimes for
some or several reasons a species starts to disappear, if you can in any way
help that I think it's great. Imagine those Island in the Pacific and such,
that sometimes are completely covered by lava from an eructing Volcano, won't
it be great to have some of that wild life and tree life available to
reintroduce so that none are lost forever. The Islands eventually get
populated again, but I'm sure that there is always some lost species. In
Hawaii there is a type of flower that was at one time pollinated by a type of
bird, well the bird became extic(Don't remember why), and now humans have to
do it by hand every year so that the flower won't be next. If I can help in
any way let me know, and the best of luck.
> This does not make any sense. You're going to
> reintroduce these fish to waters where they went
> extinct? Why? To watch them go extinct again? Why
> don't you work at saving what's already out there
> that's trying to cling to survival?
> Maybe after you've finished reintroducing
> extinct-in-the-wild fish, you could go clone some
> dinosaurs...
> =====
> ---------------
> Shireen Gonzaga
> Baltim
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