Here's another one: Is there any data to show that two distinct
populations have preferential (or otherwise population selective)
reproductive habits? Are there any fishes which morphologically
appear to be the same species, are able (and willing) to freely
interbreed if given the opportunity to do so, and yet are classified
as different species by DNA analysis?
Can there be as much genetic diversity in a common, large reservoir
of individuals as in two smaller isolated groups? Data?
Why do plants hybridize so frequently? Can a hybrid become
established so as to be considered a seperate species? Is it
possible for a hybrid to show more genetic "distance" from its
parents than other species which are closely related to the parents?
How is DNA analysis used to measure distinctiveness?
Is the genetic material in, say, an amoeba, a subset of that found in
higher animals? I.E. are the genes themselves unique to amoebas,
or is it simply that the combination of particular genes is unique?
Sorry, I guess that was more than one question :-) Don't want to
appear ignorant on this list, but this is important to my
understanding/evaluation of the Evolutionary Species Concept.
"Cry to it, nuncle. as the cockney did to the eels when she put
'em i' the paste alive; she knapped 'em o' the coxcombs with a
stick, and cried 'Down wantons, down!'"
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