RE: NANFA-- Humane Society for Fish

Mark B (
Tue, 1 Feb 2000 10:10:27 -0500

At 2:00 PM -0700 1/31/00, Whitlock, Steve wrote:
>I have a couple questions relating to this project.
>What costs would be associated with this service?
>How would those costs be recovered?

Costs would be for housing, feeding and transporting fishes, publicity and
newsletters. Can you think of anything else? Costs could be recovered by
selling fishes and/or requesting a fee or donation from donors. Also
fundraising could be done if it was a non-profit organization. On a small
scale, costs would be covered by participating volunteers who would have
control over what their outlays are. If they want to euthanize everything,
that would be up to them. Probably won't want Jack Kevorkian to join up,
though. Bad PR.

Mark Binkley
Columbus Ohio USA <))><

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