Re possible misidentification of pileated woodpeckers:
The observer, David Kulivan, is a graduate student in wildllife biology,
familiar with birds. He observed them at close range (10 yards).
Re liklihood of relict populations in this area:
Last documented nestings of ivory-bills in the 1940's were in nearby
Tallulah, LA and Vicksburg, MS. In 1987, Jerry Jackson, an expert on
ivory-bills, played a recording of an ivory bill in woods north of Vicksburg
and elicited a response from another bird.
Re problems with private landowners:
Birds were observed in the forests of a wildlife management area.
Note - Two books are in the works. Jackson, now at Florida Gulf Coast
University, is working on a book about ivory-bills. Christopher Cokinos, at
Kansas State University, has a book coming out called "Hope is a Thing with
Feathers, A Personal Chronicle of Vanished Birds" to be released around the
"100th anniversary of the shooting of the last wild passenger pigeon."
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