RE: NANFA-- Live food for the Aquarium

geoff kimber (
Mon, 7 Feb 2000 20:04:15 -0700


I raise redworms indoors for fish food. Unlike Ray Wolff and those of you
in wetter climates, I have no worms in the 'garden', so I keep mine indoors
year round.

I found a place to get redworms (Eisenia foetida) for $12/lb (1000 worms)+
$3.95 shipping.
I keep the worms in a 20 gallon plastic tote that I originally filled with
half torn newspaper and half peat moss. I dump in all the vegetable waste
in the house, including coffee grounds. I like to bury it to keep down the
fruit flies.

Anyway, I like raising my own worms so I can get the range of sizes. I use
the smaller worms for fish too big for regualar blackworms. I expect when
my warmouth and rock bass get big enough, I'll add guppies and nightcrwalers
to the menu.

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