Re: NANFA-- not a chick flick...

R. W. Wolff (
Sun, 20 Feb 2000 12:00:39 -0800

No offense Jay, but would you prefer a radical veiwpoint of the other
extreme, like vice-president Al Gore? I believe if George W. Bush were
elected, he would let state agencies handle environmental issues, as it
should be. I don't think that it is the Presidents place to dictate ( pun
intended) what all agencies should do, especially those at State levels.
Whats good for Virginia isn't neccasarily good for Wisconsin, and whats good
for Wisconsin isn't necassarily good for Washington. Let's say for the sake
of arguement that the new President was from the great lakes area. His
veiws on Salmon would reflect ( in most cases) what salmon are here, sport
fish and alewife control. Would you want this guy telling Washington state
whats good for its salmon? The reliance of Federal government to take
care of state issues is a hot topic now, for reasons that are easily read
about in publications. I have not heard what Bill Bradley or John McCains
veiws on this subject are, but have heard Bill Bradleys are in line with Al

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