NANFA-- Re: nanfa V1 #445

Shireen Gonzaga (
Thu, 10 Feb 2000 18:42:23 -0800 (PST)

hey Bob,

> The hornwort is doing well, but since it's a
> floating plant, won't stay rooted.

You can anchor it down with lead. I'll send some
to you thru Chris the plant courier.

> I'm a little nervous about terracing with
> rocks, for fear of putting too much weight in
> the tank and cracking the glass.

I guess you could build a terrace from driftwood.
Or a combination of rocks and driftwood. All you
really need is a little height to get the plants
closer to the surface.

I just got back from the Aquarium Center after
plant-shopping for YOU. (It was fun!) I made a
list of plants, described your tank to plant guru
Gloria, and she made me cross off half the plants
on the list!

Bob, here is a summary of Gloria's "lecture"...
GET MORE LIGHTS! :-) At least another flourescent
strip. Also, dump the GE full spectrums and get
something more friendly towards aquatic plants like

Meanwhile, here's what you'll be getting this
- Crypt. retrospiralis
- Crypt. cilita
- Aponogeton natans
- Aponogeton crispum
- Bolbitis

And Chris is going to give you a bunch of
watersprite. You can plant that (watersprite, not
Chris) in the gravel. But put it in a dark closet
for a few days to kill off the cyanobacteria,
just a few specks here and there.) And watch
for baby tetras--his fish have been frisky lately. :-)
I'll be sending some Java Moss too.

And you're not allowed to get other plants till you
add another light strip to your tank, Gloria's orders.

Oh, did you ever get that press pass to the AAAS?
DOn't want to miss Stephen Jay Gould talk baseball...

- sg

Shireen Gonzaga
Baltimore, MD
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