Re: NANFA-- Filter-less aquariums

Bob Culler (
Fri, 02 Feb 2001 22:57:26 -0500

At 10:00 PM 2/2/01 -0500, you wrote:
>This topic has probably
>allready been addressed, but if anyone has tried a filter-less aquarium,
>please share your experiences. Sorry this is kind of off-topic! Thank you!

I have an aquarium at work that has been filterless for about 2 years, I
think. It started with an air-operated box filter, until I realized how
little it helped. It is a 40 long with about half land and half water.
Plants grow everywhere! The only fish are several Gambusia and there is no
circulation. Right now I have a duckweed outbreak, sometimes there's algae,
but it seems to be running pretty well overall.

Ranger Bob
Kingsport, TN
"The power of humans to degrade the natural world is awesome; the
capability to reconstitute it later is mythical."

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