Re: NANFA-- Mean worms...(red)

Lions Lark (
Fri, 09 Feb 2001 18:13:23 -0500

I do the nighttime "flashlight spot & grab" for nightcrawlers.

My dad used to water the grass until there were puddles in the yard or go
out after a rainfall after dark & make us kids do the grabbing while he did
all the spotting-I believe we were much closer to the ground & easier to
hose off afterwards! He made us girls' believe it's "cool" to catch

Unfortunately the ground in Ohio freezes during the winter months & I have
to "drive & purchase" them!

I'm proud to be a grabber! Thanks Dad.

I've seen people use nightcrawler sticks also. They send electricity into
the damp night ground and the earthworms 'magically' surface. Then you can
spot 'em & grab 'em!

>I've just about decided to dig for the worms I need periodically
>around the woods and creek areas instead of raising them.
>Has anyone ever had any success with this?
>>From: Ty_Hall_at_eFunds.Com
>>Subject: Re: NANFA-- Mean worms...(red)
>>Date: Fri, 9 Feb 2001 13:44:53 -0600
>>My Bluegills (and Yellow Perch) love worms of ANY kind. I have feed them,
>>Red worms (wigglers), Leaf worms and Nightcrawlers, plus whatever I find
>>the sidewalk after a rain. They quickly gobble up any worm tossed in.

I've done the sidewalk thing too!

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