Re: NANFA-- red tail goodeid

Joseph W. Gardner (
Wed, 21 Feb 2001 07:10:25 -0500

I had the same experience with mine until I packed the 10 gallon they were in with
nijas grass. The plants were so thick the fry had time to swim away before the
parents could turn around. In this sort of set-up, I raised up to 40 fry to 1"
size over a four month period of time. There were 6 adults - 2 males, 4 females.
Truly a neat fish. BTW - Hi Luke, been a while, catch you off-line in a bit.
Take care. Joe.

mcclurg luke e wrote:

> >... and don't eat their babies.
> Actually, mine will gobble theirs down like chocolates. In a large tank
> they might not, but in smaller tanks, the fry are history.
> Luke
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