Re: NANFA-- Mystery fish pics need ID

R. W. Wolff (
Tue, 27 Feb 2001 22:43:04 -0600

I don't remember the particulars on the hybrid drum, but its stocked as a
sport fish in hard water lakes I think. It may be a man made cross of red
and black drum, I am not sure. I dont even remember where I read about
them, so can't find the information or pictures of the fish to make sure.
the picture of that dorsal fin and mouth just rang a bell. DING, first Idea
I had today, oh, I take that back, I thought up a stand design to save space
in the remaining square inches of the fish room to set up the last of my
tanks. I compulsivly bought and had tanks built when the price was right
nearly free) and now have been slowly working on getting them all running.

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