Re: NANFA-- Hog sucker
Sat, 23 Feb 2002 00:38:48 EST

So far my hog suckers have more than tripled in size. At least until the big
one disappeared. They like earthworms and tiny OSI pellets as well as frozen
bloodworms and lately blackworms. They sift sand a lot but don't pay any
attention to algae. I'm really bummed out by the death of my biggest one. I
have two white suckers that are also doing well in that tank along with about
a dozen threadfin shad, inland silversides, iron shiners (I think), a dozen
debauwi catfish, elephantnose fish, iridescent shark, blue spotted sunfish,
banded sunfish, brindled madtom, bumble bee catfish, mountain loach,
ropefish, dragonfish, five freshwater flounders and a popeyed mullet. yes I
like an eclectic fish population.


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