Re: NANFA-- Poecilia petensis

Christopher Scharpf (
Fri, 01 Feb 2002 10:41:51 -0400

Bob "sailfin molly" Bock asked:

> Anyone know where I could find accurate species description and habitat
> description of Poecilia petensis, the Lake Petensis (Guatemala) sailfin
> molly?


According to _Fishes of the Continental Waters of Belize_ by Greenfield and
Thomerson, the species is distinguished from other Poecilia in the region by
having 13 or more rays in the dorsal fin. Its range is s.e. Mexico,
Cardenas, Tabasco; Rio Hondo, Quintata Roo, Mexico; Rio Usumacinta drainage
in Mexico and Guatemala and nearby lakes in Peten, Guatemala; and in central
Belize, where it is restricted to Mussel Creek.

Check out the TFH book _Atlas of Livebearers of the World_ (pp. 167-168).
Peten mollys live in fresh and brackish water, although salt is not
necessary in captivity. They like thickly vegetated, slow-moving water and a
temp. of 29C. Feed a varied, though mainly vegetable, diet. An initial diet
of brine shrimp helps the newborn develop.

Hope this helps,

Chris Scharpf

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