I thought I was the only one mean enough to treat poor little crayfish that
way. Actually, I've found it easier to nip off their "thumbs" right close
to the joint. They don't seem to mind, and have no trouble at all using the
little grabbers on their legs for
feeding. But without complete claws, they're no risk to the fishes - and
don't tear the plant up either.
Bob Sinclair
Santa Barbara CA
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2002 19:58:10 EST
From: Prizma_at_aol.com
Subject: Re: NANFA-- crayfish in aquaria
you can pull big crayfish's claws off. this minimizes their danger to
tankmates. basically just hold onto their claw and a little twist. they kind
of let them go like a lizard tail. they will grow back.
generally if they are fed sinking shrimp pellets they dont bother other fish
in the tank... they will however fight among themselves.
crayfish will tear up a planted tank w/ a lot of snipping.
i guess different species act differently.
i brought some back from florida... very small red ones. they grew very
quickly and were exceptionally destructive.
btw... in north america how many species of crayfish are there?
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