Re: NANFA-- growing my own live food

unclescott (
Sun, 16 Feb 2003 22:36:39 -0600

> << the water in the garage runs around 50 degrees in the winter. the
> I
> have would just sit at the bottom of the tank until I heated them up.
> >>
> My Daphnia magna did very well down to 45 degrees. Then they shut down and
> started some indoors.

I've pulled pretty good batches of daphnia (magna? pulex? whatever is
floating around the last 20 years among Chicago area fish heads) out of a
half barrel from under 2 inches of ice. Next time I'll use those long rubber
work gloves.

The so called Japanese daphnia - Moina - is popular with some aquarists
because it does well at room temperatures and is smaller than many of the
other strains kept by hobbyists.

I'm sure that the others have optimum ranges. The native daphnia does ok on
the floor by the door in an old 40 gallon breeder tank (that $4 special late
in an auction when one already has no space).

All the best!

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