Re: NANFA-- and now for something entirely different...

james graham (
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 15:10:25 -0500

You've got way too much time on your hands!!

Had a conversation with a guy who raises a lot of corys and he was looking
for somebody to do a cory tattoo for him that actually knew what the fish
looked like.I told him he could always have it removed and he said that
would cost a lot more than getting it.I told him that was his punishment for
getting it in the first place to which he replied "thanks dad".
----- Original Message -----
From: "Todd Crail" <>
To: <>
Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 12:42 PM
Subject: NANFA-- and now for something entirely different...

> Well the big Three - Oh is upon me here in July... In keeping with my long
> tradition of being "difficult" I thought I would do something completely
> traditional for well mannered adults... Originally it was to have a pony
> tail by the time I was 30, and since I was locked in midwestern Korporate
> Amorica, that would have sufficed (and was company president sanctioned
> Since I'm no longer under that umbrella of unusual local tolerance, the
> hairs fell a month ago. So I've been planning how to up the ante since.
> I've determined a tatoo would be the perfect solution to my young life
> crisis. The question was... What would the subject be?
> While in the Keys this fall and visiting with fellow NANFAn Andy Borgia,
> took note of his tats that were reproductions from scientific
> of rays, sharks, etc. They were to the point without becoming
> and quite distinct. My wife and I both liked them alot. I put the
> away for a rainy day... The rainy day has now come :)
> I was out the other day enjoying the Maumee River, doing a little rod and
> reel fishing, a little dipnetting, a little mussel valve hunting all
> the big piles of ice... And it occurred to me. In the past I'd considered
> darters, blue tangs, pretty fish ad nauseum. But I wanted to something
> original, and while a darter tatoo would be original... It would be too
> tempting to color (blackside darter was top of the list to help avoid the
> temptation).
> I also wanted a subject that was in danger of loss in Ohio, something I
> could become a discussion instead of just "neat tat"... Or provided the
> perfect answer to "why the _at_#$^ did you put that on your arm!??!"
> And so as I was walking in nature's goodness last Friday... It occurred to
> me. The perfect subject would be....
> A brook lamprey.
> I'm thinking of working it so it goes all the way around with the mouth
> coming out of my deltoid heeheehee... We'll see. :)
> So now why am I bothering you nice with this discussion...? Well I'm kinda
> at a loss as to where to find illustrations of lampreys. I figure someone
> out there would have a good book suggestion that I can check out at the
> library and view for candidates. So... Any suggestions? :)
> Thanks,
> Todd
> I hope you know that this will go down on your permenant record.

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