Bob Bock wrote:
>I know you mean well, Stan. And I know I did something I shouldn't have.
>But the lecture, I can do without.
>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Stan Perkins" <>
>To: <>
>Sent: Saturday, January 31, 2004 11:25 AM
>Subject: Re: NANFA-- parasite removal
>>I am going to preach now! All sinners sit down and listen!
>>The NUMBER ONE RULE of aquarium keeping or of animal husbandry. QUARANTINE
>>We would not have to listen to forty odd 'cures' if we all followed this
>>basic rule.
>>>>>>I didn't have any parasites at all until I put the mummichog in
>>>>>>knew I was taking a chance, but I needed the fish for a photo
>>You don't have to have a spare aquarium to do this in. Heck go down to
>>Walmart and buy a cheap plastic container add some aquarium water and a
>>cured sponge filter and monitor the animals. Keep them there for a week or
>>two just to be sure. (I hear the screams a coming! A week ---- or two! I
>>don't ........ Hush you is the boss - you set the time you feel
>>This is especially a good time for wild caught fish. Secondly dip those
>>in a formalin bath to remove some of the ectoparasites. Do not place the
>>water from the bag into your quarantine water. Use seperate utinsils and
>>nets that should be well marked! Soak all of these in a sanitizing
>>of 2-3 ounces of bleach per gallon of water. SOAK for at least 15 minutes
>>if there is no organic material present. Keep it in there longer if there
>>Internal parasites are more difficult to treat than ectos. No single cure
>>works well on all genera present. Wild caught animals will surely have a
>>well established internal fauna. My suggestion is to never mix wild caught
>>animals with captive bred ones unless you don't care about passing on
>>Enough! Husbandry - not Medicine is the key to healthy animals. Enjoy
>>your hobby!
>>Stan Perkins
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