Re: NANFA-- Creek Chubsuscker
Mon, 2 Feb 2004 12:41:47 EST

Just this past summer I attempted to keep six juviniles in a ~100 gallon
river tank with moderate current. They shared the tank with blacknose dace,
longnose dace, common shiners and a couple of juvie white suckers.

They seemed to do well for about three weeks, then all six died within 24
hours. They never showed any signs of illness, were not being harrassed by
anybody and the water quality was good. They just up and died without warning.

At the time I thought they starved because they were constantly grazing on
the bottom and on tank decorations despite the fact that as a fairly new tank,
there was very little in the way of algea or diatoms.
Now I'm wondering if I might have been doing a waterchange or something and
stirred up setiment which clogged their gills. I don't remember, but it's

I've been planning to try again next season [they're not protected or
uncommon in Ma] especially as my tank has filled out nicely with various types of
algea and diatoms.
I'd be interested to hear from anyone else who has experience with this fish.
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