NANFA-- RE: Speckled Chub fish

Nick Zarlinga (
Wed, 4 Feb 2004 14:04:15 -0500

Hi Katie, thanks for visiting the NANFA website. I will send your questions
to people on our list server and see if anyone can help you. You have
certainly asked a lot of questions, we will do our best to help you. As I
get messages, I will forward them to you. One suggestion that I would give
you is to contact your local Division of Wildlife and speak with some of the
biologists. I am sure that they can give you a bunch of information. Also,
for us to be able to help you better, which state do you live in? We might
have some members who have contacts that they can give to you. It would
also help if you told us a bit about what you know of this species and why
you picked it as a topic for your 8th grade project. Good luck!

Nick Zarlinga
Aquarium Biologist
Cleveland Metroparks Zoo
216.661.6500 ext 4485

><)> -----Original Message-----
><)> From: Katie Lynne Donovan
><)> Sent: Tuesday, February 03, 2004 10:58 AM
><)> To:
><)> Subject: Speckled Chub fish
><)> Hi! I am doing research on the speckled chub fish
><)> for an 8th
><)> grade project. This research is pertaining to the species'
><)> population status. Questions that I need answered are:
><)> --Other species within the genus- others
><)> endangered or not?
><)> what makes species more vulnerable?
><)> --Known factors contributing to its population
><)> status-habitat
><)> destruction, human population encroachment, etc.?
><)> --Outlook for the future of this species
><)> population numbers-
><)> reason for optimism or concern?
><)> --Management plan-any programs underway to bolster
><)> populations or reserve habitat?
><)> If you find and resources or information related to these
><)> questions please e-mail me at:
><)> Thank
><)> you!
><)> -Katie
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