NANFA-- Another bad move by conservationists
Sat, 7 Feb 2004 13:21:29 EST
Access to a beach area frequented by many fishermen, sunbathers, and one of
the best salt water collecting spots here in south eastern NC has been
restricted. The bad thing is I was all for banning people who abused the beach and
wanted to see the beach access restricted to people who were willing to pay a
fee. But the fee is now $10 a day and no night time access. Night time is the
best fishing time, I guess you have to be careful what you wish for! I used to go
fishing or collecting there and I always brought back all the trash I could
find, many other people used the beach correctly but this is over kill. Next
time it is suggested that you should support restricting access to a wild area
make sure you know what you are getting. Don't let the state decide what is
If you listen to fools, the mob rules!
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