NANFA-- Re: busy vermin

Sajjad Lateef (
Tue, 17 Feb 2004 10:25:46 -0800 (PST)

Date: Sun, 15 Feb 2004 14:52:03 -0600
From: John B <>
Subject: Re: NANFA-- busy vermin

Allright, I found the culprit, little red wigglers or at least the
aquatic equivalent. Neat huh! I like the idea of a very live and
active substrate. Teh substrate was potting soil with a 1.5-3"

[Sajjad] That's neat.

The gravel is 3-5mm white quartz gravel. I guess the worms got in
with the plants that I put in there.

[Sajjad] Probably, these are nematodes that were in the soil.

Now is there a way to keep the dirt on
the bottom and the gravel on the top? I thought about putting a
relatively thick layer of sphagnum between layers but I doubt that
would work.

[Sajjad] Polyester batting or old filter pads might be better.


Sajjad Lateef   e-mail: 
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