> From: Sajjad Lateef <>
> Date: 2004/02/20 Fri AM 10:46:29 CST
> To:
> Subject: NANFA-- News - South American Piranha Fished from River Thames
> Looks like the people on the other side of the pond have the
> same problem that we do. -- Sajjad
> South American Piranha Fished from River Thames
> Reuters
> LONDON (Reuters) - Just when you thought it was safe to go back into
> the water; a ferocious, carnivorous South American Piranha has been
> fished from London's River Thames, the Environment Agency said on
> Thursday.
> The 10cm-long Red Bellied Piranha was dropped by a passing seagull onto
> the deck of a boat built to oxygenate the river. The Thames was
> declared "dead" in the 1960s but, its water cleaned, it is now home to
> 119 types of fish.
> "It was very fresh and had obviously only just died. You could see the
> marks made by the seagull's beak on its back," fisheries officer Tom
> Cousins said.
> Experts were quick to reassure Londoners they need not fear marauding
> shoals of meat-eating fish. The reputation of the piranha is worse than
> its bite and despite global warming, the Thames remains too cold to
> support such warmwater fish.
> "We imagine that it was probably released and then floated to the
> surface where it was picked up by one of the very hungry seagulls and
> deposited in the boat," London Aquarium curator Paul Hale said.
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