RE: NANFA-- Guppies as sculpin food

Michael Wolfe (
Sat, 21 Feb 2004 07:50:14 -0500

Todd, Since others are answering the sculpin question much better than I
could I will add some info to the guppy question. Guppies can survive very
well in much cooler temps! I had a similar idea (to use guppies as food
for my pickerel... I mean hey... the look like gambusia!). Being in
Georgia, I kept the guppies in plastic trash cans outside (35 gallons...
deep enough for them to get away from the heat here in GA). During the
spring and summer they thrived and reproduced like crazy. But even in the
fall they were going strong when the temps were down in the 50s and even
40s. Only problem I had was a snap freeze that killed on of the containers
(I had two at the time). THe one real close to the house was OK, the other
farther out and exposed to direct night sky, froze over and that killed all
the guppies in that trash can... over night.

Thinking further about grown and such, you may want to experiment with
whether you get acceptable growth and reproduction rates at the low temps
you are considering, but I know for a fact that they will survive the temps
of a basement. Mine are currently breeding and refilling the trash cans
sitting on the basement from here in GA with no heat (but then again my
basement never gets to 50 degrees.


> [Original Message]
> From: Todd Crail <>
> To: <>
> Date: 2/20/2004 6:44:11 PM
> Subject: NANFA-- Guppies as sculpin food
> Greetings listizens,
> Anyway... My other question is how cool the guppies can take the tank
> I'm heating them right now at 78 F, and the shock getting thrown into 65 F
> with the sculpin helps the sculpin make quick catches without expending
> much energy.
> Is it advantageous to spend the money on electricity to heat the guppies
> not?
> 64 F seems to be as cold as I can get any tank down there. What are their
> tolerances and what will help them grow the most quickly?
> Thanks!
> Todd
> It's never too late to have a happy childhood.

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