Thinking further about grown and such, you may want to experiment with
whether you get acceptable growth and reproduction rates at the low temps
you are considering, but I know for a fact that they will survive the temps
of a basement. Mine are currently breeding and refilling the trash cans
sitting on the basement from here in GA with no heat (but then again my
basement never gets to 50 degrees.
> [Original Message]
> From: Todd Crail <>
> To: <>
> Date: 2/20/2004 6:44:11 PM
> Subject: NANFA-- Guppies as sculpin food
> Greetings listizens,
> Anyway... My other question is how cool the guppies can take the tank
> I'm heating them right now at 78 F, and the shock getting thrown into 65 F
> with the sculpin helps the sculpin make quick catches without expending
> much energy.
> Is it advantageous to spend the money on electricity to heat the guppies
> not?
> 64 F seems to be as cold as I can get any tank down there. What are their
> tolerances and what will help them grow the most quickly?
> Thanks!
> Todd
> It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
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