Re: NANFA-- Flagfin-Bluehead hy....What!?

matt ashton (
Sat, 21 Feb 2004 09:27:37 -0800 (PST)

I too am really not that alarmed with this. Just to keep these fish usually takes a little more interest than the common person going to the LFS and picking up some tropicals. With that tends to come some responsibility and knowledge into things that are of expressed concern. Even being natives, growing out of them and releasing a few fish is such a drop in the pan of the gene pool for so many of the continents fish. Releasing something that is not local to the area well thats a whole different story and again I think is covered in the responsibilities that come with the territory of keeping natives. No body is playing God here either, so many hybridizations occur on a natural basis, Lepomis, some shiners and minnows that require a chub to spawn so they can spawn, it can be somewhat of a mess down there, and an aqueas environment can be condusive to naturally occuring hybridizations.
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