There is another book referenced in Aquarium Fishes of North America, but I
have never seen it an don't know anything about it... anyone else out there
have any word on this book (can't recall the title right now)?
Oh, and a quick plug for the Okefenokee book... I do not own a copy, but
did check it out from the library last year before our trip and it is a
good little book.
> [Original Message]
> From: Mark <>
> To: <>
> Date: 2/21/2004 1:03:33 PM
> Subject: NANFA-- Sculpin Behavior, Georgia Books
> At 5:40 PM +0000 2/21/04, wrote:
> >Also regarding Sculpins, having a bit of sand may be a good idea. I
> >remember yrs ago while fish watching in a tiny woodland brook I
> >noticed in a small pool a pair of eyes protruding from a flat sandy
> >patch. Intrigued I sat my lawn chair in the pool and sat and
> >watched. Eventually a small minnow got too close and poof, in a
> >swirl of silt appeared a mouth with a tail and the minnow was no
> >more. The sculpin wiggled side to side and again all that showed
> >were his eyes. This was a very cool brook which contained small
> >Brook Trout which was what I'd come to watch but the sculpin stole
> >the show.
> >Mike lucas
> That's very cool! I've not heard of that before. As for Georgia
> books, I'm not aware of one, except for the Okeefenokee book. The
> Alabama, Carolinas, and Tennesee books will cover many, but not all
> of the Georgia species. The Atlas of North American Feshwater Fishes
> gives detailed distributions for the whole country. The Petersons
> Field Guide to Freshwater Fishes gives individual species accounts
> for the bulk of US species and has small distribution maps with
> shading.
> --
> Mark
> Ohio
> <))><
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