NANFA-- Sipsey Trip, Today and March 6

Bruce Stallsmith (
Sun, 22 Feb 2004 18:30:06 -0500

I drove out to the Sipsey Fork in Winston County, AL, today. The weather was
good, about 60 F, and sunny. I'm in search of burrhead shiners with a
graduate student, we're trying to characterize the burrhead's reproductive
ecology. We got there to find the river was still high from recent rains,
not dangerously but enough to make seining difficult in swift current (about
12 cm/sec) and water about .75 meter higher than usual. We found
blackspotted topminnow, bluegills, longear sunfish, but we couldn't get the
net around any obvious shiners; they were either in rocky riffles or took
off into deeper water.

So, I'd like to extend an invitation to anyone who's up for a trip to this
site on Saturday, March 6, for a re-run. If serious rains avoid north
Alabama for the next two weeks it the river should be both shallower and at
least a little warmer. Let me know off line at the address I've posted from.

The good news is, I now have blackspotted topminnows (Fundulus olivaceus) in
the 135 gal. tank I talked about several weeks ago. The bunches of Cabomba I
planted have doubled in size, from about 15 to 30 cm tall, and grown
bushier. The Elodea clumps have probably grown by 50% and sent down new
roots into the sand. As well as the H.O.T. Magnum, I've put a medium sized
powerhead in the tank near the bottom and underneath the H.O.T. pusing water
in parallel to the H.O.T.'s output, so there's a significant
counterclockwise current in the tank. So I guess the T8 actinics in the
light hood work...(!)

I couldn't snag any darters today either, so I can't tell Bob Muller if the
local population of muscadines are coloring up.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A

Take off on a romantic weekend or a family adventure to these great U.S.
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