Re: NANFA-- Flagfin-Bluehead hy....What!?

Bruce Stallsmith (
Mon, 23 Feb 2004 12:12:07 -0500

I can't directly address the time of evolutionary divergance bytween hubbsi
and welaka. But I'm willing to email to anyone who wants it a .pdf
discussing welaka breeding habits, especially relative to hubbsi and
touching on this time of divergance. The article is by Carol Johnston and
Charles Knight from Copeia in 1999, and is titled "Life-History Traits of
the Bluenose Shiner, Pteronotropis welaka (Cyrpriniformes: Cyprinidae)".
Their observations may enlighten much of the discussion bouncing around on
this list about various male traits in both species. Trey had mentioned that
bluenoses develop their best finnage after breeding, which seems odd;
Johnston & Knight observe that these traits become more accentuated in older
males regardless of having spawned or not. And they also present evidence
that in the wild, welaka only lives a little more than a year anyway.

So if you're up for it, contact me at The .pdfd is not
the best scan in the world but it works...

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL, US of A

>Subject: Re: NANFA-- Flagfin-Bluehead hy....What!?
>Date: Sun, 22 Feb 2004 22:00:26 EST
>Does anyone know or know a reference for the evolutionary distance (years
>since the species diverged) between Pteronotropis hubbsi and Pteronotropis
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