Re: NANFA-- Collecting in Ohio-Mudminnows, Meeting?
Mark (
Wed, 25 Feb 2004 18:15:33 -0500
Well, I guess you got plenty of feedback on the mudminnow thing. Now
let me put in my pitch. I think the key is to go to a site where
they are plentiful, such as NW Ohio or NE Ohio. If they are present
in good numbers, they are easy to get, since they are often in small
water and hiding in vegetation or other cover. A dipnet works great
or a seine if there is enough water. Just in case you wanted
_another_ recommended site, Brian Zimmerman and I took lots of them
in Killbuck marsh last year. Some really big ones too. It's south
of Wooster. So if we can get a meeting together at my place, we
could maybe go after some then. We're also planning a bowfin
broodstock angling day likely between March 6th and March 20th while
Brian is on spring break. So that could be an opportunity to meet
and fish too. We're planning to hit Killbuck Creek for the bowfin,
so it's all in the same area. I'm also working on getting access to
a really beautiful deep pool and riffle on the Killbuck that we
kayaked by last summer.
PS - I appologize to those of you who have emailed me privately. I'm
way behind on my emails. I will eventually get back to you. If you
get impatient, feel free to mail me again.
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