> Well an excavation has begun, and I wonder if it ain't cause they'd like a
> little privacy.
> I have two large tadpole madtoms, N. gyrinus, the female of which, looks
> more like a small bullhead :) They were small last year, but they sure
> grow fast on krill (since last May when I brought them in my care). She's
> alway kept to herself under a couple pieces of limestone I stacked at an
> angle, and never shared the space with any of the 5 madtoms I have in
> (the smallest of which sits in a back corner, head down, because all the
> other good places are taken ;)
> This last week, one of the males moved in and they've really moved some
> sand. Little dunes at the front and back. I checked tonight and they
> really cut a chasm out in between a rock that must have been buried in the
> sand and the right piece of their "tent". I can only assume that he was
> invited in, since she's chased off intruders all the rest of the time.
> Anybody bred gyrinus before? I'm assuming they'll use the flat part of
> rock to lay eggs and fan them there. They're guarding the cubby like
> (no one even bothers to go near it now), so I imagine I can get a hatch
> then pull some of the fry to another tank. Yes, I'm a low maintenance
> of "breeder". Usually, fry in my care become food, but this looks like
> ;)
> And granted the eggs are fertile because they really didn't get all that
> cold. Low temp this winter was 65 F. So I'm not extremely hopeful, but
> does look like all systems go at this point.
> And on a completely different continent... I started the stock of the 30
> gallon Amazonian tank this Saturday. The blue rams already laid. Time to
> go look all that up. I can make money at that to pay for my native habit
> Todd
> It's never too late to have a happy childhood.
> http://www.farmertodd.com
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