NANFA-- collectin' tonight
R.W.Wolff (
Sat, 8 Jan 2000 22:47:52 -0600
I realized I needed minnows for my bowfin, and mud sunfish. I headed out
around 7:35 to the marsh and went straight to "hogans hole" hoping to maybe
see some young of the year bowfin. The bowfin werent there, but a good
number of minnows were, the main reason I went out anyway. I scooped
around some grasses along the shore and caught: blacknose shiner ' notropis
heterolepis' yellow perch ' perca falvescens' , pumpkinseed ' lepomis
gibbosus' , iwoa darter ' etheastoma exile' and central mudminnow ' umbra
limi'. Diversity of fish was at a premium tonight, but i did manage to get
a good number of "scuds" to feed my spawning orang spotted sunfish. I got
back home at 8: 50 in plenty of time to feed the fish and check out what I
caught, so it was a good short trip.
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