Re: NANFA-- feeding marine crabs

Christopher Scharpf (
Mon, 10 Jan 2000 09:23:37 -0400

Could it be that Mr. Fuzzy is molting?

Chris Scharpf

From: Shireen Gonzaga <>
Subject: NANFA-- feeding marine crabs
Date: Sun, 09 Jan 2000 23:44:40 -0500

Hi... I have a small marine crab who is a picky eater.
He was doing fine on krill and frozen silversides for
the last 2 months. But for the past few days he hasn't
been eating. Today, I placed a piece of silverside in
front of him, turned away for a minute to wash my hands,
and when I returned, the little brat had ejected the
fish out of his "territory!" It was quite comical, like
a kid throwing a temper tantrum.

I don't think he's sick. He seems active and healthy-

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