Re: NANFA-- feeding marine crabs

Shireen Gonzaga (
Mon, 10 Jan 2000 14:25:37 -0500

From: Christopher Scharpf <>
> Could it be that Mr. Fuzzy is molting?

I hope you're right! It's been a while since he molted.
What's amused me so much about this critter is his
behavior, like that of a spoiled child throwing a tantrum.
He really is a funny little crab.

Yes, Katrina, I've been saving all the molts. It's like
saving the milk teeth of my kids. :-) I used to do the
same for Scruffy, my sweet little pet horseshoe crab who
passed away last fall, after a difficult molt.

Richard, thanks for the feeding tips. I'll try Formula One.

> From: "B.G. Granier" <>
> Just feelin' a little crabby.......; )

Compared to me, he's quite cheerful. I'm the real queen
crab in this household...

I never realized crabs could be so interesting. In the past,
I've caught him redecorating, by placing smaller whelks near
his "house" whelk. I recently put him in a temporary 2.5g
tank (we're in the middle of a little pre-millenium aquarium
redecorating project, the critters and I). I also added his
two favorite hideout whelks (one of which is his "house") in
the tank along with a large piece of macroalgae that Bob Bock
had given me. Later that evening, Mr. Fuzzy had somehow
attached the macroalgae to his house whelk, like he was
gardening! It was so funny. :-)


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