RE: NANFA-- Collecting Equipment - electrofishing

Bruce Stallsmith (
Tue, 11 Jan 2000 23:42:56 EST

Yeah, I think there's lots of variability among species. I still have 4
_Fundulus dispar_ that Dave & I collected via electrofishing and they're all
seemingly very happy in their 10 gal. tank. 3 of them were subadult and
showed no ill effects.

--Bruce Stallsmith
Huntsville, AL

>Agreed. Some fish taxa are much more vulnerable to electrofishing than
>others, and are hit harder (many catostomids and percids have a higher
>mortality rate). This does not seem to be entirely a function of size-
>obviously the larger the fish, the larger the field they generate across
>their body (depending upon the wavelength/frequency being generated). Often
>small cyprinids will swim right through a field that would stun larger
>seemingly without adverse effects. When using electrofishing gear, you need
>to be VERY aware of what taxa you are likely to encounter, and if that
>running a lower voltage/frequency in areas with sensitive taxa (and
>sacrificing efficiency), then so be it.
>I'm somewhat skeptical of their results, especially given the lack of
>experimental methods. Having used just about everything from cyanide to
>shockers to gill nets to slurp guns, I'd hypothesize that the most critical
>thing to reduce mortality is to reduce handling time. Period. That said,
>this would be a good excuse to do some fun experimental science, if anyone
>is interested...

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