NANFA-- some good sturgeon news

Christopher Scharpf (
Thu, 13 Jan 2000 20:22:54 -0400

For the first time in 30 years, federal biologists have discovered
a naturally born pallid sturgeon in the Missouri River that was not spawned
in a hatchery. As reports the Omaha World Herald (1/8/00), changes in the
river including dams, dikes and channel straightening have severely reduced
the fish's habitat, bringing the fish to near extinction. It was placed on
the Endangered Species list in 1990. The tiny fish, measuring less than an
inch long, was found in a section of the 2,300-acre Big Muddy National Fish
and Wildlife Refuge, a major federal habitat-restoration project. As an
adult, the fish can reach up to 80 pounds. Biologists know the small fish is
the offspring of wild fish because stocked fish are 8- to 10- inch

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