Re: NANFA-- Indiana fish kill

Shireen Gonzaga (
Mon, 17 Jan 2000 19:26:27 -0500

> nanfa V1 #403
> Date: Mon, 17 Jan 2000 11:29:31 EST
> From:

> One lady's good question was what will happen to all the
> birds (herons, Kingfishers, etc.) dependent on the fish for
> survival. (As I recall, DNR said at least they have the
> mobility to move to other locations. No comment made about
> survival rates or what disruptions and stresses that puts
> on other ecosystems.) DoesShireen or any other birders have
> comment on that?

That's a lame brush-off by the DNR. How would the birds
know that the fish have toxins in them? By the time they
eat the fish, it's too late.

But it was winter when the river got polluted, so there
should not be many birds around, is that correct, Chuck?
If birds were affected, hopefully, they would be few and
far between. It would be harder to find their carcasses
if the poison was slow-acting--they could have eaten the
fish and flown elsewhere, where they could have died in
a non-obvious location like a tree or deep in the woods,
or they might have been scavenged, affecting mammals higher
in the food chain. If this disaster had taken place in
warmer months, the avian mortality would be more visible.

Chuck, this has all been very interesting. Would you
consider writing your personal experiences in following
this horrible incident for the AC? I think it's important
that this event be somehow officially documented in the
NANFA record, along with the outrage we all feel.

- shireen

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