Fw: NANFA-- worm attachements

Norman Edelen (normane_at_edelendoors.com)
Wed, 19 Jan 2000 00:24:25 -0800

Hello All,

I am afraid I have inadvertently passed on a computer virus to you. See the
message below for a link to a web page detailing how to deactivate it. The
virus was called HAPPY99.exe. If you haven't opened it, don't. If you
have, you would have seen a fireworks display on your monitor.

I am truly sorry about this. Please accept my apologies.


A proud member of
The Greater Portland Aquarium Society
The North American Native Fishes Association: over
20 years of conservation efforts, public education, and
aquarium study of our native fishes. Check it out at

----- Original Message -----
From: ShoeString Network <dk_at_shoestringnet.com>
To: <nanfa_at_aquaria.net>
Sent: Tuesday, January 18, 2000 4:52 AM
Subject: Re: NANFA-- worm attachements

ATTN: All members

If you receive an email attachment "Happy99.exe" DON'T OPEN IT, DON'T CLICK
I just received an e-mail from Norman Eleden. It contained an attached file
"Happy99.exe", a well known e-mail worm. Please scan your machines
immediately! Check out http://vil.nai.com/vil/vpe10144.asp for info

ShoeString Network
Dan Kralis
PMB 344
5295 Hwy. 78
Suite D
Stone Mountain, GA 30087-3414
Ph: (770) 736 4965
Fx: (770) 982 5189


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