Re: NANFA-- The Great Bluehead Hunt
Mark B (
Wed, 19 Jan 2000 15:52:59 -0500
At 12:34 PM -0600 1/19/00, B.G. Granier wrote:<br>>Mark,<br>><br>>A positive I.D. on your fish may not be that easy, the males only develop<br>>sexual maturity-fins and coloration after a certain age. What length are the<br>>fishes now, and approximately how old are they?<br><br><br>Well, I changed my mind. I compared the fish to the illustrations in Fishes of AK, and I think they are Opsopoedus (Notropis) emiliae. They have the upturned mouth and the same pigmentation in the dorsal. Thanks a lot for pitching in, though. Don't think I'll be counting pharyngeal whatevers and pored lateral scales anytime soon, so that's my story and I'm sticking with it! They were collected from Easley Creek near Arkadelphia Arkansas on 10-26-1999. They're about 1.75 " long.<br><br><br>Mark Binkley <br>Columbus Ohio USA <))>< <br><br><br>/----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /"Unless stated otherwise,
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