Re: NANFA-- Rain of Frogs

Mark B (
Thu, 20 Jan 2000 12:37:20 -0500

At 5:01 PM -0400 1/19/00, Christopher Scharpf wrote:
>MAGNOLIA is a terrific film, but it is challenging, takes HUGE risks (the frog
>scene, which happens at the very end, being one of them), and is over 3 hours
>long. A lot of people got up and left when I sw it, and booed when the rains
>came. I, however, was cheering! What a great moment in cinema history!
>The film shows in unfliching detail the traction problem of cars (and an
>ambulance!) driving over what appears to be hundreds of thousands of frogs.

Cool! That one's on my list.

>>Reference is made to the Biblical account of the plague of frogs which can
>>be found in Exodus, Chapter 8. See -
>Thanks for the link. That passage was mentioned in the film, setting up the
>magical-realist finale.

Sure. If you want a cheap copy of the The Book, check out this site - at at e8t70d/IBS/899.html I recommend the
New American Standard (NASB) as a modern, literal, unfiltered translation
from the Hebrew and Greek texts. There are many translations available,
and some translators have taken plenty of liberties in the translating.
NIV is an easier read, but is more filtered and less of a literal

Mark Binkley
Columbus Ohio USA <))><

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