Re: NANFA-- Whither goest thou, NANFA?

Mark B (
Fri, 21 Jan 2000 11:08:44 -0500

At 10:26 PM -0500 1/20/00, Bruce Stallsmith wrote:
>But your question, Shireen, does raise valid points. What are we in NANFA
>doing for native fish? What _could_ we in NANFA do for native fish? Should
>we publicly identify and rally support for endangered systems (my favorite)?


>Should we be part of captive breeding programs, in alliance with other
>non-governmental organizations (NGOs, sounds like the WTO shindig) and
>government agencies?


> Should we be a fish trading club?


> We're an amalgam of
>these now. Can we, should we, take more active roles?


>There are about 450
>NANFA members. Does this seem like a lot, a few?

Not too huge for a national organization.

>The organization is
>basically healthy now, so this is a good moment to think about these points.
>The floor is open (as always!).

Yes! Let's hear some ideas! Let's hear from some volunteers!

Mark Binkley
Columbus Ohio USA <))><

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